


I already knew, “life is an eternal beginning” someone else would say. And yet, I don't know if I really expected it. A few tears sometimes even flowed. Confidence.

Behind the social networks, the carefully selected photos, the real Instagrams that make you want to, the pieces finished and appreciated (or not), I'll let you judge... there is also another reality that is important to share - the famous insta vs reality.

Each model that you see on my e-shop ready to buy requires hours of work and... a few failures... and yes, it doesn't always happen the way you want! I have already wiped a few broken mugs, necks too wide, but also bent spoons, imprints that are not legible enough, the examples are numerous and diverse! (Sometimes even... the piece is successful but disasters happen when you want to film it too much, a little clumsiness sometimes, but that's another subject. (Isn't that my favorite videographer...?)

So today I just wanted to send you a little message of courage and sincerity. I too sometimes wanted to throw everything away, to be disappointed or even to cry. But to all those who would like to embark on a new challenge or others, who are already in it, with work, motivation and will, I know that you can, we can, I can... y arrive.

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