Ma jolie journée

My lovely day

The start of the school year has passed, the foundations have been laid and my rhythm has been found. I don't come back to the subject often but my passion for ceramics arrived a bit by chance and between the confinement period, the departure from my old job and the hazards linked to COVID, I went through quite a few phases. I had to find a certain organization before setting up a little daily “routine” linked to my new status as an entrepreneur. Now that it's found, I want to take you with me for a day! So, are you following me?

To be honest, I'm not really a morning person. I would often like to stay much longer under my duvet. Even more so with these colder days coming! Feeling my Louisette come and stick to me helps me and often accompanies my gentle awakenings. However, to decide to get up, I need good motivation. And when I don't have one, then I need at least one gourmet breakfast. Hot drink, muesli, toast, it depends on my mood, but I need to swallow something to give me a little energy. Then, everything happens quite quickly, you have to get dressed, accompany the children, the morning run. However, I make it a point to always take care of myself, wash my face, apply a little day cream, from the @ ohmycream brand and never leave without a bit of mascara, or almost. Once everyone is dropped off at school, I come back to the house since it is also my workplace – my workshop is in my basement.

My workshop and its little atmosphere

In the morning, my organization is often adapted according to my previous day. If I turned the day before for example, I glaze the next day, if I glazed in the evening, I glaze in the morning. If I'm starting a new collection, I select my soil and cut my pieces. What all my mornings have in common, however, are the few minutes I take to “prepare” my workshop. I need, at a minimum, some background music and a small stick of incense.

The atmosphere created is essential for me to concentrate and this often inspires my creations. When I'm done shooting, I always have a bunch of little things to do, prepare packages, sort out some paperwork, update inventory on my site, etc. Often, life passes and lunchtime arrives without me even having time to notice it. My break is therefore often quick and sometimes even a little late. At lunchtime, I always wander a little on Instagram while eating. Hovering over the accounts I like to follow often gives me little ideas to create or inspire my meal ideas. It's also often the time when my two favorite glue pots, Reglisse and Ody, come to curl up against me to ask for a few caresses.

Changing afternoon

Like the morning, the afternoon is often changeable. It can start with baking my morning creations, a drawing of a creation that I would like to make, an organization of my schedule for the week. Often, I also like to schedule my client meetings in the second part of the day. The foodie that I am finds snack time more opportune to meet and chat with my buyers. Whether they are professionals or individuals, chatting over a small hot drink and a sweet treat (see my article on moons) always creates a more friendly climate in my opinion. I also don't hesitate to travel to meet them, getting out of my bubble does me good and I always appreciate a little sociability. If I don't have an appointment scheduled, I return to my workshop. I can then work on color tests, turn if necessary again, write in paint or gilding on my creations, etc. Behind each creation there are ultimately a multitude of steps that we don't always think about... Besides, it gives me an idea for an article, you would be interested in knowing the design from A to Z of one of my creations ?
Before heading off to pick up the children from school, I always make a point of putting my workshop in order so that it is ready the next day. I'm not that fussy, but I like it tidy.

I will keep the details of my end of the day in my little secret garden. But if I had to reveal a few little clues to define a perfect little evening, I think the words hugs, smiles, homework, yoga, cocooning film and chatting around our new stove would sum it up pretty well.

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