Mes Collabs – Porcelaine illustrée ou douce porcelaine

My Collabs – Illustrated porcelain or soft porcelain

If I had to add a new qualification to my definition of friendship, the word “virtual” would top the list. Because it is indeed a friendship that was initially virtual that I am going to talk to you about here. And don’t see anything “negative” about it. Quite the contrary. Today, social networks occupy a major place in our daily lives. When I embarked on my new project a year ago, I learned to discover them, to use them and even to tame them and, above all, thanks to “them”, I met some very nice people. From them was born a collaboration that I want to tell you about: the one with @llud , Ludivine for short.

Sweet porcelain or illustrated porcelain

I discovered Ludivine's account last October through another “virtual” friendship but one that I particularly care about: Prisca – I invite you to go see her little magical world via the account @notrejoyeuxbazar . Llud 's specialty is illustration on Porcelain, a discreet art that deserves to be known. His meticulous and precise work is of striking finesse. Accustomed to drawing on Vintage Porcelain, plates in particular, Ludivine gives them a second soul through different themes, animals, birds, plants, etc. I was immediately fascinated by his world. We discussed at length before the idea of ​​creating a collection mixing our two arts was born, quite naturally.

Spoons and medallions

From then on, together we set ourselves a double challenge, Ludivine was going to draw on a different medium and I was going to work on a subject that I didn't know! My mission: to create porcelain spoons and medallions, her mission, to illustrate them. On paper, it seems simple, but in reality, it wasn't so obvious. I suffered a few failures before succeeding in working with Porcelain, docile, not easy to turn, it actually made my head spin a little! For the little anecdote I even had to call on a specialized ceramist who kindly gave me some valuable advice. I really challenged myself in this collaboration but it was worth it. The result is a hundred pieces but also the culmination of teamwork and trust. And that's just the beginning !...

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